Case Studies and Stories
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory Implements IRISS Custom Solutions
Having a circuit breaker fail that powers very expensive and critical experiments at the laboratory can be potentially disastrous...
- Jason Brinker
- IRISS Inc.
Deep Well Vertical Pump Analysis using Electrical Signature Analysis (ESA)
There are many advantages that vertical pumps provide over horizontally mounted pumps and when they operate properly they generally provide many years of reliable, maintenance free operation. However, in almost any plant with a large inventory of vertical pumps they will have one or more of these pumps that are considered “bad actors”...
Vibration Troubleshooting Centrifugal Compressor
Vibration analysis is an important tool for condition monitoring, failure diagnosis and equipment life prediction. It also can be a powerful tool for new equipment development and manufacturing. This paper presents a case study of troubleshooting a vibration problem in Trane’s compressor plant when a new compressor family was launched...
- Yubo Nian
- Trane/Ingersoll Rand
Sub-Synchronous Vibration and Compressor Rotor Instability
In May 2015, a K-3603 HHP BOG compressor tripped on high-high radial vibration, exceeding trip setting 83 μm peak to peak as the compressor discharge pressure increased to 68 bars.
- Ahmad Fadzli
- MLNG Sdn. Bhd.
Condition Monitoring of Ball Mill with HD Technologies
After long discussions, both plants decided to switch from the VCM system to the newer Intellinova system - and with fabulous results, which are highlighted in chapter...
- Robbert de Rouw
- SPM Instrument BV
MCEmax Finds High Resistance Connection
Listen to Noah Bethel and Todd Gunderson as they explain how the MCEMax was used to identify a High Resistance Connection in one motor and an AirGap issue in another...
In-Rush/Start-Up Current Test Prevents Catastrophic Failure
The In-Rush/Start-up test was designed to look at the in-rush and decay of current during a direct start. In this case study, we evaluate the answer as it applies to a utility company...
- Noah Bethel
- PdMA Corporation
Ultra-Long Pre-Warning Time on Low-Speed Drying Drum with HD Technology
The application in this case is a drying drum. The drums are heated inside and their purpose is to mix ingredients together to make grains, and to cool or dry existing grains.
Energized Motor Testing Reveals Improper VFD Settings
This 55-kilowatt, 400-volt motor is controlled by a variable frequency drive (VFD). This motor drives the centrifugal fan that sends air into a natural gas combustion burner...
- Ettore Di Pasquale
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