Two Minute Tips
Basic Oil Sampling Tips
Companies need to recognize the importance of good sampling practices when it comes to the results of their oil analysis program. That small 70 mL sample submitted to your lab represents all the oil circulating in the equipment. Here are a few simple tips you can take to ensure you get a good, clean sample, that is representative of the oil in your system.
- Bernie Hall
- Checkfluid
Kiln Lubricant Provides Exceptional Protection for Open Gears
Synthetic Oil Protects Slow-Moving, Straight-Cut Open Gears.
Pyroshield Syn Kiln Lubricant (9020) is a heavy-duty synthetic fluid designed to provide exceptional protection for high-load, heavy-shock, high-heat applications, particularly large shrouded and unshrouded open gears servicing kilns and ball mills in the mining, mineral processing and cement industries. It is recommended for slow-moving, straight-cut gear sets where flaking occurs using a conventional open gear lubricant.
- John Sander
- Lubrication Engineers
Tips for Sampling Diesel Mobile Equipment
Sampling is the first step in Oil Analysis and Bernie Hall will give tips on Sampling Diesel Mobile Equipment on and off highway.
- Bernie Hall
- Checkfluid
Sub GigaHertz Advantages for the Industrial Environment
Let’s discuss for a moment; how can we design a decent, standalone sensor which can be put on the vibrating equipment, stay there and report reliably the measurements?
- Tomasz Kawala
- Sensoteq
Using Baseline for Analysis
When you measure on your machine, the results may vary even if no defects are present. That is just normal behavior. This video will discuss how using baselines in analysis can be beneficial in keeping machines healthy.
- Stefan Furness
- SPM Instrument AB
Gearbox Water Contamination
Water is used in every industry and is one of the leading causes of machine failures. Learn about the different types of water contamination and what you can do to deal with it.
- Bernie Hall
- Checkfluid
Accelerometer Maximum Cable Length Calculator
When cables between the power supply and the accelerometer are short, less than 100 feet or 30 meters, circuit capacitance usually has no significant effect on the vibration data signals. Long cables may introduce sufficient capacitance into the sensor circuit to allow vibration signal distortion and produce spurious signals.
- Peter Eitnier
- Wilcoxon Sensing Technologies
Condition Monitoring in Hard-to-Reach and Dangerous Areas
Monitoring motors and motor driven equipment, such as fans and pumps, in hard to reach or remote areas can be extremely challenging. In most cases, traditional condition monitoring methods fall short in these areas.
- Tumay Karaver
- Artesis Technology Systems
Why Use 1000Hz-800Hz Lines When You Have a Choice?
Most people use 1000Hz as the standard setting, but nobody asks why. Why not make your life easier by having 1Hz resolution rather than 1.25 or 0.625 Hz? Lines is ALWAYS a selected value but FMax can be user defined or selectable.
- Matthew Moore
- Moore Reliability Limited
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