As the old saying goes, “Figures don’t lie, but liars do figure.” This is not to suggest that gear lubricant sales representatives are liars, but rather that too often neither the sales rep nor the purchaser completely understands what the numbers on a technical sheet or price list really mean...
Electrical accidents, such as arc flashes, happen daily; however, there are ways companies and individuals can reduce the occurrence of these accidents and protect everybody concerned from the physical, financial, and statutory consequences...
Infrared (IR) windows save lives. Most Thermographers today are thankful to perform their scans without the danger and time of removing heavy panels. But just as the thermal imager is a tool - so is the IR Window. And as with any tool, it must be used correctly to get the desired results...
We are often asked at which voltages and on what type of equipment is ultrasound most effective... The answer is not simple since it often depends on the individual asking the question...
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