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CBM Process Startup

Sergio Rossi | EE, rp4m

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6 years ago

Would like to know about your experience and challenges encountered when trying to start your CBM process.

About the Author

Sergio Rossi EE, rp4m
Sergio Rossi founded RP4M in 2000 after having worked as a plant engineer, a maintenance manager, a corporate reliability manager and a senior engineer in the food, plastics and aerospace industries. He learned hands on how to implement Continuous Improvement Processes such as TPM, RCM, OBM and PdM. After experiencing these implementations, he saw the need to simplify and improve existing approaches for solving all machine related issues. His vision was to become a complete and single provider of an integrated maintenance, reliability and performance solution for reducing breakdowns and maintenance costs in machine-dependent industries.
Finite Element Manufacturing (FEMsm) was the final result of his development efforts.