
Getting Started

Jason Tranter | Founder & CEO, Mobius Institute

Hello, and welcome to the home of Condition Monitoring! You have a rewarding but challenging profession, and we want to provide you with a resource where you can learn and share in your language. Rather than searching the internet endlessly or getting lost in a forum with content that you may not have an interest in, Mobius Institute is proud to welcome you to CBM CONNECT®. Our goal is to bring you new, engaging, and educational content in a platform where you can customize the content that you see based on your interests. 

Learn more about CBM CONNECT by watching the video below, or use the quick tips underneath the video to get started. I hope you enjoy it!


    Welcome to the home of condition monitoring; CBM CONNECT!

    CBM CONNECT is a community for condition monitoring and reliability improvement practitioners. Here, you’ll find articles, videos, tips, webinars, and interviews to help you along in your educational journey. CBM CONNECT features content in each of the condition monitoring technologies which include alignment and balancing, condition monitoring management, lubrication, motor testing, oil analysis, infrared, ultrasound and vibration. There is content updated to CBM CONNECT daily in multimedia formats, whether you have two minutes, ten minutes or an hour, we promise, there’s something here for you. Tune in to the welcome video or continue reading to see how you can get started on CBM CONNECT!


    When you first get to CBM CONNECT, you’re going to see a big pop-up… So, if you don’t have a profile yet, and you’d like to see what’s new with one specific condition monitoring technology, you can select it in this area!

    If you’d like to create a profile to see customized content, click “subscribe today”. For example, if you’re only interested in vibration analysis, you can customize your profile to only see the vibration analysis content, or you can select vibration and thermography if you are interested in multiple technologies. Or if you’d just like to see what the website is about, you can click the exit out and you can see everything on the website! If you’ve already created your profile, check the “remember me” box on the login screen to remain logged in.


    To create your custom profile, click here or click on the bright blue “view by technology” button in the upper left corner and select “create your profile”. In this area, you can tell us about your preferences.

    You’ll also want to opt in to receive the CBM CONNECT DIGEST Newsletter. The DIGEST Newsletter will be emailed to you every two weeks and it highlights the newest content on CBM CONNECT in your preferred technologies. If you designated your areas of interest as alignment and balancing and motor testing, your custom newsletter will only include content from those areas.

    In addition, you’ll notice a shortcut panel with three icons in the top right corner of your screen (a filter, a person, and a magnifying glass). If you click the filter, all the condition monitoring technology icons will appear and if you select one, you will be taken to all the newest content in that specific technology. Click on the person icon, and you’ll be able to login or create your profile. As for the magnifying glass, just click and type in what you’re looking for to get started! There are thousands of keywords and tags in the CBM CONNECT network, so type in a person, company or trending topic to see more.

  • COST

    As you may be wondering…What is the price for this? Well, you have two options! You can either browse for free, or you can create a profile, and that’s free too. Now, you can’t argue with that price!

    If you create a profile, the system remembers your preferences. You can say, “I’m interested in vibration, and alignment, and balancing,” or whatever else you like – and it remembers all of that. You can choose to be notified of new content every two weeks in the customized DIGEST Newsletter – for free. You’ll receive an email that highlights only the freshest content in areas that you’ve specified interest in.



    One of the coolest features when you create a profile is that you’ll have your own library on CBM CONNECT. So, you might see that there’s this great article or video, and think, “Oh, I just don’t have time for it now,” and you can just click “save to library” and it’s kept there and you can log in and see it later.


    Another neat feature on CBM CONNECT is that each piece of content is tagged with relevant key words. So, if you like a certain piece of content in addition to saving it to your library, you can scroll all the way down to the bottom to see the “you may also like” suggestions with pieces of content that share the same tags. This is a quick way to see content by the same author or about a similar topic that you enjoy.


    So, where does all the content on CBM CONNECT come from? Firstly, CBM CONNECT has a growing network of more than 500 contributors that share their knowledge, and we also have a global Editorial Board that reviews and creates content. Plus, we have fantastic solution providers that contribute content that explains the latest technologies and provide case studies too.

    We want to work with you too! You have experience and stories to share, so please, if you’ve got a great story to tell, contact us. We have an entire production team here at CBM CONNECT to support you in sharing your knowledge, and we can’t wait to hear from you. You can contact us at to get started.

    If you have a question to ask, that’s fantastic. The most exciting part about CBM CONNECT is the community, and the discussion that gets started by you sharing your thoughts and experiences. Visitors to CBM CONNECT will see your post and can comment on it or ask questions and engage with you (the author) and other visitors.


    Welcome to the homepage of CBM CONNECT (click here to be taken to the homepage). Here, whether you have a profile or are visiting for the first time, you will see the newest content on the website (content is uploaded daily!) If you have a profile, you will see the newest content in the specific condition monitoring technologies that you’ve expressed interest in.

    Next, if you need a product or service but aren’t sure where to start, we’ve built an entire business directory organized by technology to help connect you with the right people (no matter where you are in the world). Click here to access the business directory.

    Also, if you click the “education” tab, you will see every content type available – quick tips, case studies, interviews, upcoming and on-demand webinars…Everything! Again, if you’ve created a profile and click on one of these tabs, you will only see content that matches your technology preferences. If you haven’t created a profile yet or aren’t logged in, you will see everything!

    Next up, if you look under the resources tab, you will see that this isn’t only where the business directory of solution providers lives, but here you’ll also find upcoming global industry training courses, events, press releases, job postings, books, and even FAQs. Resources are updated weekly with new opportunities for you to see.

    Go ahead and click on the next tab if you’d like to contact us! You can either email us at OR click here to fill out a form. Here you can also see who makes up the team at CBM CONNECT, and all the fantastic members of the global Editorial Board.


    Email us with your feedback, questions, or if you’re interested in becoming a contributor or advertiser!

    Follow us on Social Media: LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter

    Visit additional Mobius Institute quality brands:

    CBM CONNECT en Español, CBM CONNECT Conferences, Mobius Institute

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Zain ali
Zain ali
5 years ago


Zain ali
Zain ali
5 years ago
Reply to  Zain ali

How type of job

4 years ago

I’m interested in vibration and alignment and balancing

Julius Mambwe Kalumbwa
Julius Mambwe Kalumbwa
3 years ago

These leasons can be of a help in our generation.