
How To Read A Report In 2 Minutes or Less

Evan Zabawski | Senior Technical Advisor, TestOil
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Many end users struggle to understand all the information on an oil analysis report, or at least have difficulties deciding on an appropriate and effective corrective action. Some simply find they are overwhelmed by the time required to read every report (a.k.a. analysis paralysis) and only looked at the reports with the highest alarms.

This webinar will provide an unconventional approach to quickly decipher all the information on a report in 2 minutes or less, using real examples, to encourage the reading of every report (not just those alarmed as critical).

Attendees will learn a new skill to save time reading reports, while bringing their oil analysis out of a reactive maintenance mode and back into a truly predictive maintenance mode.

About the Presenter
Evan is a Certified Lubrication Specialist. Evan has extensive experience training tradesmen and professionals in a variety of fields including: lubrication fundamentals, contamination control, condition monitoring, RCM/FMEA and used oil analysis. Evan has been a member of STLE for over 20 years, serving as Chair of the Alberta Section for 8 years, and also as an instructor of the Condition Monitoring course at STLE Annual Meetings. Currently, Evan has Editor of TLT Magazine, and have served as the Editor for The STLE Alberta Section’s Basic Handbook of Lubrication – Third Edition, and contributed as one of the editors for STLE/CRC’s Handbook of Lubrication and Tribology, Volume II: Theory and Design, Second Edition.

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About the Author

Evan Zabawski Senior Technical Advisor, TestOil

Evan is a Certified Lubrication Specialist. Evan has extensive experience training tradesmen and professionals in a variety of fields including: lubrication fundamentals, contamination control, condition monitoring, RCM/FMEA and used oil analysis. Evan has been a member of STLE for over 20 years, serving as Chair of the Alberta Section for 8 years, and also as an instructor of the Condition Monitoring course at STLE Annual Meetings. Currently, Evan has Editor of TLT Magazine, and have served as the Editor for The STLE Alberta Section’s Basic Handbook of Lubrication – Third Edition, and contributed as one of the editors for STLE/CRC’s Handbook of Lubrication and Tribology, Volume II: Theory and Design, Second Edition. Evan has published several technical papers and am also a member in good standing of API and ASTM.