Two Minute Tips  

NFPA 70B – What you should Know

Brad Nanna | Sr VP Sales and Marketing, IRISS Inc.

NFPA 70B is the standard for electrical safety in the workplace and focuses on electrical maintenance procedures devoted to eliminating death, injury , property and economic loss due to fire, electrical and related hazards.  It is adopted in all 50 states and is the benchmark for electrical safety, design, installation, testing and inspection.  New in 2023 is electrical testing requirements from recommended “nice to have” to a standard “must have”, i.e., thermography testing, paragraph and 7.4, ultrasound testing, paragraph, and documentation of qualified personnel and test records, paragraph 8.4 and 8.6.  Also included is recommended maintenance intervals based on equipment condition assessments, paragraph 9.3.  Worth noting the code now mentions Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) as a best practice with moves away from a time-based maintenance program towards a Reliability Centered, Operations Driven Safety and Reliability (ODSR) program as the preferred maintenance method.

People are getting injured while performing inspections and maintenance on energized equipment.  WHY?  Avoidable…YES!  There must be a Better Way….NFPA 70B.

Contact your IRISS Inc. Representative at to learn more about NFPA 70B and an ODSR program tailored to your business needs.

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About the Author

Brad Nanna Sr VP Sales and Marketing, IRISS Inc.

For over 30 years, Brad Nanna has been in the Electrical Power Industry promoting solutions and service to customers in the residential, commercial, industrial and utilities markets. His experiences include knowledge and specification influence in electrical power distribution equipment, switchgear, transformers, industrial and motor control. He has held positions in Sales, Marketing, Product Management with primary focus on electrical preventative maintenance (EPM) and electrical safety standards of NFPA and OSHA. Brad is currently employed by IRISS and leading their efforts in inspection Infrared (IR) Thermography and Ultrasound testing. He is also leading the efforts of an electrical Operations Driven Safety and Reliability program (ODSR) for a safer, most reliable electrical asset management system.

Brad holds an MBA from Clemson University and a BS degree in electrical engineering from the University of Pittsburgh. He is a member of IEEE, enjoys working with local universities in the development of engineering, sales and marketing classes, and a seasoned speaker on electrical safety and reliability.