In this article we are going to take a look at a fault on an electric motor and then attempt to explain why the vibration changed in the way that it did...
Sodium is also an indicator of contamination with salt, whether it is from moisture ingression from a nearby source of salt water, or airborne particulate ingression from nearby roads that are salted in the wintertime...
When we think of Reliability and ensuring that assets perform when required, the tendency is to migrate towards those technologies and software programs that promise early detection, an efficiency of data collection and robustness of data analysis...
In today’s modern world information is found all around us and it is available at the simple push of a button; 24/7/365. Machine condition monitoring systems (online systems) have been around for quite a while, but they have typically been reserved for the most critical and most expensive machines at a facility...
There are twelve interdependent elements in planned maintenance that are integral to a successful process. Each element contributes to and provides support for the others. The linked elements, in total, provide the base for the Planned Maintenance Process...
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