In May 2015, a K-3603 HHP BOG compressor tripped on high-high radial vibration, exceeding trip setting 83 μm peak to peak as the compressor discharge pressure increased to 68 bars.
Listen to Noah Bethel and Todd Gunderson as they explain how the MCEMax was used to identify a High Resistance Connection in one motor and an AirGap issue in another...
The In-Rush/Start-up test was designed to look at the in-rush and decay of current during a direct start. In this case study, we evaluate the answer as it applies to a utility company...
This presentation discusses the benefits of bridging process monitoring and condition-based monitoring (CBM) as a necessary part of reducing production time, cost, related material, and energy consumption's which positively impact the bottom-line...
The goal of equipment condition monitoring is to increase equipment availability, increase product yield and quality, and reduce maintenance cost by...
We are often asked at which voltages and on what type of equipment is ultrasound most effective... The answer is not simple since it often depends on the individual asking the question...
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