When performing energized motor testing on medium and high-voltage motors, you do not want to attach amp probes. It is important to calculate the ratio of step down from the primary current to the user current. You will use CT ratios...
Ultrasonic leak detection has been used for a variety of applications ranging from energy reduction by locating compressed air leaks to quality assurance inspections, such as locating wind noise and water leaks in automobiles...
Emissivity, reflections, and transmission rates for IR windows can cause confusion and frustration without the proper knowledge, experience, training, and skills. This quick tip will simplify the very complex subject of IR window transmissions…
Catching motor problems before they fail saves your plant headaches, not to mention a ton of money they would have lost through unplanned shutdowns. View the lessons learned by manufacturers who needed reliability programs...
Different vibration devices are designed to fulfill different purposes. Whether using handheld tools or remote sensors, vibration monitoring can tell you a lot about a machine’s health…
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