Electrical inspections must be performed on energized equipment to accurately ascertain the health of the equipment. Traditional inspections of energized equipment are time consuming, risky and costly for...
When testing steam traps, we first need to make sure our temperature and pressures are set before we use any type of ultrasound. A good disc trap should cycle 4-10 times per minute; a warn disc trap will cycle ...
Convection can have a big impact on what an infrared thermographer sees with a thermal imager, whether outdoors or indoors. This instructional presentation will show a specific case study on the power of convection...
Testing wound rotor motors can be tricky depending on what and where you are testing. In this quick tip, see what rotor motors are used for and how to perform a test...
How do you collect time waveforms in the best way? And why is time waveform analysis so important? Listen to CBM CONNECT’s interview with Christer Larsson to find out…
What if a spanner falls on your laser equipment screen? How will you get a proper reading? In this quick tip, you will see why you should never forget the old reliable tools...
Traditionally inspections are done over open panel for the last 40 years, but during last 10 years alternative and safer ways have been mandated. Find out how adapting an ROI is the best way to eliminate fatalities...
When conducting Electrical Signature Analysis on a motor circuit you may find numerous spectral peaks in the FFT. This instructional presentation provides a means to localize the origin of the voltage and current distortions represented in the spectral data...
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