
Lubrication Management Through Condition Monitoring

Jay Cooper | Technical Product Manager, Des-Case
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Webinar Description:

New developments in condition monitoring are revolutionizing the maintenance and reliability industry with countless innovations to improve asset monitoring and maintenance. Investing in oil condition sensor technology can keep your oil cleaner and your assets running smoother, providing a good ROI for your money. Join us to learn how this technology keeps equipment running and improves ROI on lubrication management programs.

Learning Takeaways:

  1. Why more constant and consistent testing is better for lubricant health
  2. Variety of oil condition sensors and how they work
  3. How to improve overall ROI on lubrication management through IIoT

About the Presenter

Jay Cooper joined Des-Case in May of 2011 and is an experienced Technical Product Manager. Jay has worked in several roles including supply chain optimization, lean manufacturing, continuous improvement, and new product development. Jay holds a Bachelor of Arts in Business from Muskingum College.

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About the Author

Jay Cooper Technical Product Manager, Des-Case

Jay Cooper joined Des-Case in May of 2011 and is an experienced Technical Product Manager. Jay has worked in several roles including supply chain optimization, lean manufacturing, continuous improvement, and new product development. Jay holds a Bachelor of Arts in Business from Muskingum College