About the Author

More than 11 years experience in LNG plant maintenance of rotating equipment. Spent almost 3 years in project as Lead Rotating Equipment Engineer building world first on-shore Boil Off Gas Reliquefaction plant. Certified as Mobius Vibration Analyst Cat III and Machinery Lubrication Analyst (MLA II). Involvement in reliability study, major maintenance activities, condition monitoring, troubleshooting and root cause failure analysis of GE Frame Heavy Duty Gas Turbine, Siemens SGT-700 gas turbine, Mitsubishi steam turbines, Siemens-Dresser Rand centrifugal compressor, Nouvo Pignone Centrifugal and axial compressor, Instrument Air oil free screw and intergral gear centrifugal compressor, API 610 pumps and Cryogenic submersible centrifugal pump. Heavily participate in organization capability development by conducting training and coaching session to junior and senior engineers.