This case study investigates Duke Energy’s quest to replace its monthly, manual data collection practices with daily, remote data collection and monitoring.
TransCanada Turbines Test Cell repairs and services gas turbines in a unique test facility. The turbines are used primarily for compression, power generation and marine applications. After repair and servicing, the Test Cell undertakes performance tests of the turbines...
Just because you can see an anomaly does not mean you can radio-metrically measure it using an infrared camera. The concept of spatial and measurement resolution is one of several reasons and will be briefly described in this 5-minute fact...
It is well known that misalignment is one of the greatest causes of failure in rotating equipment. In fact, research demonstrates that more than 50% of machine breakdowns are the direct result of poor alignment...
You have an infrared camera. You’re ready to implement an infrared program. You know what assets you want to inspect. How do you establish an effective inspection frequency for your program? This short presentation will take you through the many, many aspects that must be considered when establishing inspection frequencies. Annual inspections do not support reliability. One set frequency for all assets is not the answer either. Take a few minutes to see what industry best practices suggest…
Convection can have a big impact on what an infrared thermographer sees with a thermal imager, whether outdoors or indoors. This instructional presentation will show a specific case study on the power of convection...
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