
The Importance of Alignment in Cardan Shaft

Edward Kuantan | General Manager, PRUFTECHNIK
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Webinar Description:

Cardan shafts (spacer with universal joint) are operating at a large offset between the driver and the driven shaft. This installation makes it possible for the power to transfer even though they are offset to each other. This webinar will cover the basic cardan shaft, how it works, the effects of angle difference between the shaft, and why it is important to align the angle…

Learning Takeaways:

  1. The principles of cardan shaft in rotating equipment
  2. Why you need to align cardan shaft
  3. Steps to take to align cardan shaft

About the Presenters

With more than 10 years’ experience in the Laser Shaft Alignment industry, Edward Kuantan is the General Manager and the head of Pruftechnik in Indonesia – Pruftechnik is the first inventor of laser alignment technology in the world. Edward started his career by doing alignment services in South East Asia and throughout his career has traveled and seen different types of machine problems caused by misalignment.

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veeresh nayak
veeresh nayak
4 years ago

Please explain in detail about difference between Optalign & Rotalign while cardan shaft alignment

About the Author

Edward Kuantan General Manager, PRUFTECHNIK

More than 10 years’ experience in Laser Shaft Alignment industry, Edward Kuantan is the General Manager and the head of Pruftechnik in Indonesia – Pruftechnik is the first inventor of laser alignment technology in the world. Edward also a have started his career by doing alignment services in South East Asia and throughout his career have travel and seen different types of machine problems cause by misalignment.