About the Author

Name: Thomas J. Murphy Resident: Manchester, England Job Title: Managing Director, Reliability Team Limited; SDT International Training Manager Education:Bachelor degree in Electroacoustics, University of Salford Status:Member of Institute of Acoustics (MIOA); Chartered Engineer (C. Eng.); Experience:34 years experience in the application of noise and vibration to a wide range of industry around the world; 22 years experience in infrared technology; 17 years experience in ultrasound; Facilitator in FMEA and RCA projects Current work:ASNT Level 1 and Level 2 ultrasound trainer; ISO TC108 national technical representative; Implementation training on ultrasound and predictive programmes to industry around the world. Author:Co-author, Murphy, T.J., Rienstra, A.A, Hear More, A Guide to Using Ultrasound for Leak Detection and Condition Monitoring. ISBN-13: 978-0982516331; Technical papers and articles presented and printed in many countries around the world.