Two Minute Tips  

Will the Reinforced Grill Affect Measurement?

Martin Robinson | President, IRISS Inc.

Will the Reinforced Grill Affect Measurement?

You are correct when you state that the grill will affect your measurements. In fact, all Infrared Window lenses regardless of the manufacturer affect the transmission rate of the target temperature. Regardless of the type of IR window you are using, you need to test and adjust your IR camera for the transmissivity of the lens material you are using. This value can vary by camera even if it is the same make and model of camera. This is due to differences of the detectors in the IR cameras.

The primary functions of the grill are for:
1. Impact resistance (IEEE C37 mandates this requirement)
2. IP2X fail safe product. If the lens were damaged, the largest hole would be less
than ½ inch, unlike a crystal which would be 2, 3 or 4 inches depending on the
window used and this would invalidate the safety of the switchgear.

Inspecting through grills is a standard practice for thermographers. Sometimes the
only way we can see the targets inside transformers and panels is to view through a
grid. The IRISS VP Series and CAP Series lenses are just an extension of this standard
practice. More importantly, the IRISS VP Series and CAP Series lens transmission
does not change, unlike most crystals which change with the ingress of water, acids
and alkalis, high frequency noise, vibration, and target temperature.

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About the Author

Martin Robinson President, IRISS Inc.

For over 30 years, Martin Robinson has been a pioneer in the field of condition based maintenance technology.  He spent 18 years in the British Army specializing in field maintenance of combat fleet vehicles.  Mr. Robinson continues to be an innovator and pioneer the technological benefits of Infrared Thermography internationally.  He has met with, consulted, or advised international maintenance and reliability leaders on electrical preventive maintenance (EPM) and electrical safety standards of NFPA and OSHA.  A recognized authority in the field of Infrared (IR) Thermography, Mr. Robinson has designed CBM programs to include IR, Non-destructive Testing (NDT) and implementation of green energy initiatives and energy management strategies.

Martin holds a NEBOSH certificate in Occupational Safety and Health, a Level III Certified Infrared Thermographer and is also a Certified Maintenance and Reliability Professional (CMRP) through the Society for Maintenance and Reliability Professionals (SMRP).  He is also a member of IEEE, NFPA and is a standing member on the technical committee CSA Z463 guidelines on maintenance of electrical systems and a member of the IEEE P1854 working group (Recommended Practice for Electrical System Design Techniques to Improve Electrical Safety).